Toefl & Structure Strategy Tips
1. Find out which version of the TOEFL you will take Depending on where and when you take the TOEFL test, you will encounter either the Internet-based Test (TOEFL iBT) or the TOEFL Paper-based Test (TOEFL PBT). Be sure of which format you will use. Your TOEFL score from either test will be accepted by the colleges you choose, but the differences in the test formats will influence some of your TOEFL preparation.
2. Approach the TOEFL test with a plan Spend enough time in TOEFL preparation so that you know where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Having this kind of understanding can help you decide where to focus your energies as you prepare for the test. If you will be taking the Paper-based Test (PBT), work through some practice tests and then concentrate your TOEFL preparation on any weak areas. Take time to review your strong areas, but invest your time to build up your weaknesses. If your exam will be the Internet-based test (iBT), be sure to visit the TOEFL iBT Web site ( and examine the information presented there. In addition, get your teacher’s opinion on where you can best spend your preparation time. ETS provides sample questions for both the PBT and iBT on its Web site.
3. To maximize your TOEFL score, be ready for test conditions and be well-rehearsed Practice makes permanence! If you set aside time in a quiet place to take some practice exams, you’ll be ready for the rigors of sitting in a chair and focusing on the TOEFL test material. The PBT is a 3-and-a-half hour test, and the iBT takes about 4-and-a-half hours. It’s a good idea to dress in layers and bring a sweater or sweatshirt because the temperature in the testing room may be warmer or colder than you anticipated. You want to be able to show everything you know on the test.
4. Become familiar with the directions and questions before the TOEFL test Each of the test sections has a time limit, and you want to make the most of the time you are given. Use a portion of your preparation to become familiar with the directions for each section and how the questions are set up. Then you can use all you time in answering the questions instead of reviewing the directions.
5. Reading Comprehension Skim the passage first to get a sense of the main idea. You can always go back and look up specifics. Answer the questions that ask about vocabulary words and details first. Then work on questions that ask you about the main idea or require you to make inferences. You will answer 50 questions in 55 minutes.
6. Structure and Written Expression Think about the simplest, clearest way to express an idea. If an answer choice sounds awkward or overly complicated, chances are good that it’s wrong. Brush up on your English grammar for this part of the test. You will have 25 minutes to complete 40 questions.
7. Listening Comprehension Become as familiar with the English language as you can, including learning vocabulary words and idioms. Practice working with the language in everyday life; this will help you become more comfortable with it and understand it better. These 50 questions will take 30 to 40 minutes to complete.
8. Writing Planning for a few minutes before writing will help you to write a more focused and organized essay. It is important to develop your ideas and express them clearly, using examples to back them up. Although the essay doesn’t need to be grammatically perfect, try to make as few errors as possible. Always save a few minutes at the end to proofread. You will have 30 minutes to organize and write on your topic.
A. Structure
1. During the Daytona 500, the lead car ___________, leaving the others far behind.
A. forwarded rapidly
B. advanced rapidly
C. advanced forward rapidly
D. advanced in a rapidly manner
Answer : B
2. Geysers have often been compared to volcanoes _______ they both emit hot liquids from below the Earth's surface.
A. due to
B. because
C. in spite of
D. regardless of
Answer : B
3. During the early period of ocean navigation, ________ any need for sophisticated instruments and techniques.
A. so that hardly
B. where there hardly was
C. hardly was
D. there was hardly
Answer : D
4. The North Pole___________ a latitude of 90 degrees north.
A. it has
B. is having
C. which is having
D. has
Answer : D
5. The city of Beverly Hills is surrounded on ________ the city of Los Angeles.
A. its sides
B. the sides are
C. it is the side of
D. all sides by
Answer : D
6. ________ greyhound, can achieve speeds up to thirty-six miles per hour.
A. The
B. The fastest
C. The fastest dog
D. The fastest dog, the
Answer : B
7. Marmots spend their time foraging among meadow plants and flowers or ________ on rocky cliffs.
A. gets sun
B. sunning
C. the sun
D. sunny
Answer : C
8. The greenhouse effect occurs ________ heat radiated from the Sun.
A. when does the Earth’s atmosphere trap
B. does the Earth’s atmosphere trap
C. when the Earth’s atmosphere traps
D. the Earth’s atmosphere traps
Answer : C
9. The Rose Bowl, ________ place on New Year’s Day, is the oldest postseason collegiate football game in the United States.
A. takes
B. it takes
C. which takes
D. took
Answer : A
10. Experiments ________ represent a giant step into the medicine of the future.
A. using gene therapy
B. use gene therapy
C. they use
D. gene therapy uses
Answer : A
11. ________ off the Hawaiian coastline are living, others are dead.
A. While some types of coral reefs
B. Some types of coral reefs
C. There are many types of coral reefs
D. Coral reefs
Answer : B
12. Nimbostratus clouds are thick, dark gray clouds ________ forecast rain.
A. what
B. which
C. what they
D. which they
Answer : C
13. Some economists now suggest that home equity loans are merely a new trap to push consumers beyond ________.
A. they can afford
B. they can afford it
C. what is affordable
D. able to afford
Answer : A
14. People who reverse the letters of words ________ to read suffer from dyslexia.
A. when trying
B. if they tried
C. when tried
D. if he tries
Answer : A
15. Featured at the Henry Ford Museum ________ of antique cars dating from 1865.
A. is an exhibit
B. an exhibit
C. an exhibit is
D. which is an exhibit
Answer : D
B. Written Expression
1. In the united states, there are much holidays throughout the year.
Answer : C
2. Tomatoes grows all year long in Florida
Answer : B
3. Guppies are sometimes call rainbow fish because of the males' bright colors
Answer : A
4. On the floor of the Pacific Ocean is hundreds of flat-topped mountains more than a mile
beneath sea level.
Answer : B
5. Because of the flourish with which John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence,
his name become synonymous with signature.
Answer : C
6. Segregation in public schools was declare unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1954.
Answer : B
7. Sirius, the Dog Star, is the most brightest star in the sky with an absolute magnitude about
twenty-three times that of the Sun.
Answer : A
8. Killer whales tend to wander in family clusters that hunt, play, and resting together.
Answer : C
9. Some of the most useful resistor material are carbon, metals, and metallic alloys.
Answer : C
10. The community of Bethesda, Maryland, was previous known as Darcy's Store.
Answer : B
11. Alloys of gold and copper have been widely using in various types of coins.
Answer : C
12. J. H. Pratt used group therapy early in this century when he brought tuberculosis patients
together to discuss its disease.
Answer : D
13. The United States has import all carpet wools in recent years because domestic wools are
too fine and soft for carpets.
Answer : A
14. Irving Berlin wrote "Oh How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" while serving in a U.S. Army
during World War 1.
Answer : C
15. Banks are rushing to merge because consolidations enable them to slash theirs costs
and expand.
Answer : C
Source : Toefl Structure & Strategy Tips / Toefl Structure and Written Expression
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